Melbourne ( Australia) Based Actor, Model, Host, Dancer, Fashion stylist, Event planner and Choreographer

Amit singh saini is a young aspiring actor/model/dancer always looking for opportunities to work in any entertainment industry and open to all kind of work, ideas and suggesstions.

Event planner and Marketing manager for many national and International firms. BOARD MEMBER OF International Australian Punjabi film festival. Body member of SHE- Society helping everyone.

Done many Photoshoots for fashion style, business wear, underwear, charity and body art shoots.


  • Mr. Intelligent (Mr. Punjab/Mr. Singh Australia – 2016)
  • Mr. Handsome (Mr. Punjab Australia – 2016)
  • Mr. Bollywood King 2016 – Winner Title for Bollywood King and Queen Show 2016.
  • Mr. Public Choice Award 2017(MR Diamond Australia 2017)
  • Mr. Elegance 2017(Mr. Diamond Australia 2017).
  • Runner Up for Mr. Diamond Australia 2017.
  • Star face award in IFEFA (international film festival and Entertainment award)